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Image by Runze Shi

Welcome to Trellis

Developing sustainable pioneers

At Trellis our aim is to support and develop pioneering leaders to be sustainable in their callings.

Are you engaged in a pioneering or creative expression of mission or church planting?


Would you like to grow, move forward or receive support as you navigate the unique challenges of your life and vocation?


Perhaps you have felt one of the following:

  • I want to thrive rather than survive as I live out my calling

  • I feel unsupported or isolated

  • I feel like no-one 'gets' what I'm doing

  • I want to develop healthy habits or practices but don't know where to start

We provide a safe, supportive space for you to grow and move forward.

Image by Jo Magcayang
Image by Nathan Dumlao

What we offer

One-to-one coaching

We offer personalised online coaching sessions to pioneers who want to develop in their life and vocation. These are tailored to the individual needs of the coachee. 

Who we are

Simon and Moira Baxter have been involved in pioneering ministry for over 10 years and have trained in life coaching to support and journey with fellow pioneers towards sustainability in their own contexts.

Simon & Moira Baxter outdoors
Image by Tim Mossholder

“Simon has helped me substantially over the past year of coaching.  We have covered many different topics but overall I feel I have more awareness of myself and more capacity to address my own issues going forward.  He has a kind and thoughtful approach to coaching which makes it easy to connect and discuss life together.”

David Mertz

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